Today 4 pm US ET – we are acknowledging December 17, 2024 with a webinar entitled Silence, Violence, and Sex Workers Rights, a roundtable discussion put together and moderated by New Jersey Red Umbrella Alliance and supported by BPPP. Come and learn about how we are documenting the rights violations experienced by sex workers and trans folks, how to get involved and how this will end the silence.
Register here —>
We will be speaking about our research into rights violations as we prepare to hold the US accountable at the United Nations in 2025. Interested in joining the research project? There are many options for participation including filling out a survey, having a conversation, filing a report of a violation, being on a mailing list, joining a working group and/or applying to join our artists cohort. Express interest by filling out this form
More about today’s moderator – Session moderator N’jaila Rhee is the executive director of NJRUA. N’Jaila is a key member of the coalition preparing a UN report on human violations experienced by sex workers in the US and the policies affecting sex workers worldwide wide. N’Jaila led an enthusiastic team to EXXXOTICA this year providing direct support, harm reduction and information, including two workshops on human rights and arts.

Featuring panelist Beyonce Karungi – Beyonce began her activism with key populations in 2009 and is also involved in efforts to stop violence towards women and girls, to promote sex and sexuality education for youth, and to increase young people’s access to friendly SRHR services across Uganda. At the global level, Beyonce worked with the International Reference Group on Trans Women and HIV, UNDP, UNFPA, UNAIDS, PEPFAR, the Global Fund, and USAID to develop the TRANSIT. Beyonce is currently leading the drafting process of the upcoming UN shadow report on the state of sex worker rights and trans rights in the US and the impact of US policies worldwide.
Jenna Rollins will do a reading and be part of the moderated discussion today on how we are documenting rights violations and ending the silence about violence against sex workers. Sign up here –