Category: Events

Town Hall for Rights on Dec 9, 2021

Dear Fellow Champions of the People Centered Movement for Human Rights,

Seasons greetings. We come to you with a request. We need your support and input into the reformation of a Member driven Human Rights movement. Thank you for all you’ve done this year to strengthen our mutual promotion of human rights. Next month we celebrate the 73rd anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with a TownHall meeting on Thursday, Dec. 9th at 2pm ET (virtual). Please save this date and time and let us know that you’ll plan to attend by Registration.  

Please also fill out the following short questions to let us know your human rights focus and interests: We are re-committing ourselves to this empathic work with you and hope you will join us to exchange ideas on the next phase of this important movement for justice.

A group of human rights advocates, including the organizations listed below, are organizing to ensure that the spirit and work of our past collaboration continues. We have been meeting weekly and we are reaching out to fellow champions of our people centered movement to learn how we can support each other’s efforts going forward. Of note, an open invitation was submitted for sharing with the full USHRN membership weeks ago, but was not forwarded on by the board.


In late October 2021, the US Human Rights Network was unexpectedly suspended for an indefinite period and the coordinating center staff was immediately terminated. This sudden interruption of activities comes at a crucial time as several international human rights delegations, convenings, binding decisions, and treaty reports are due. 

For some publicly available information about what has occurred please read an open letter about the pausing of the network from the former ED and a report from the Sex Worker Rights Working Group 

Looking Ahead/Opportunities

Because our collaboration is valuable to our important work, we are inviting you to an expanded collaboration so that a new network &/or process can emerge to fill the current gap. 

  • Mark your calendar for the TownHall meeting on Thursday, Dec. 9th at 2pm ET (zoom) and let us know that you’ll plan to attend with your Registration 

Again, thank you for your ongoing human rights advocacy in your center of influence. Moreover, we are grateful for our past mutual efforts. We look forward to your response and our continued collaboration.

Best Practices Policy Project

Charles Watts, Founder and CEO, Empathy Surplus Network USA

Desiree Alliance

Dr. Onaje Muid, Co Chair N’COBRA Health Commission

Greg Kennedy, Trustee, Empathy Surplus Network USA

Mary Gerisch

Robin Benton, US Human Rights Cities Alliance Steering Committee

Sandy Bernabei, Antiracist Alliance

Sex Worker Rights Working Group of USHRN

The Black Sex Workers Collective

Tomiko Shine, Aging People in Prison Human Rights Campaign

Vickie Casanova-Willis, PhD – Human Rights Educator, Activist

Women Lead Network

Women’s Rights Working Group of USHRN

Webinar: It’s More than Money, Oct 8, 2021

As sex worker rights ascend, many groups are interested in supporting this work. Find out the best practices in providing funding.

About this event

Friday October 8, 2021: 2 pm US Eastern / 11 am US Pacific / 8 pm Central European Time

BPPP is inviting granters, program managers for grants, board members of foundations, mutual aid and community based sex worker funds/ programs and our community to hear presentations and discuss what sex workers really need in our current times. As sex worker rights ascend, many groups are interested in supporting this work or are already doing so. Find out the best practices in providing funding and support. We will turn preconceptions about sex workers and funding around so that audience members can go out with a fresh mind set to do even better work.


Sex Workers Unite on International Whores Day: Global Solidarity with Ugandan Activists

Join us on June 2, 2021 at 12.30 pm in NYC in front of the Ugandan Embassy (336 E 45th St, New York, NY 10017) and show solidarity with Ugandan sex worker led groups that are working to protect the rights of sex workers by asking everyone to reject the Ugandan Sexual Offences Bill of 2021. This new legislation harshly affects sex workers, criminalizing brothels, engaging in prostitution and engaging in a sexual act with a sex worker. The legislation also criminalizes  ‘carnal knowledge against the order of nature” fueling anti-LGBTQ discrimination and heteronormative policing of sexuality. Download a statement from Ugandan Sex Workers and download a statement from the BSWC.

We cannot stay silent with the rights of sex workers and allied communities are under attack. Bring signs and banners in support of sex workers and LGBTQ communities for this short and sweet action that will show our colleagues in Uganda that we are in support of them.

Why do we protest on June 2? Protest is the very basis of June 2 actions as the date goes back to the 1970s when sex workers occupied a church in Lyon, France. It is known globally as “International Whores Day.”

Date of action: June 2, 2021

Time: 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm

Location: 336 E 45th St, New York, NY 10017

Accoutrement: Make a sign! Bring your voice and music. Wear purple to be in solidarity with workers worldwide and bring red umbrellas.

Women’s March 2019

The original Women’s March two years ago was at first embracing of the rights of sex workers, and then became a contested space in a painful–if temporary–exclusion of sex workers from the event. Since that moment, some local manifestations of the event have made efforts to include sex workers and communities of people affected by criminalization of sex work and public space. This year our partner organization New Jersey Red Umbrella Alliance (NJRUA) and GenderFabulous are official hosts for the WOMEN’S MARCH ON NEW JERSEY 2019 and are on the Steering Committee. NJRUA leadership has asked us to share this news with groups far and wide and to note that it would be, “powerful if we sex workers and allies could show up and out together.” Please join us in New Jersey! is offering service to and from the Women’s March on NJ. To explore departure points and pricing, please visit them at