Category: Campaigns

End the Use of Condoms as Evidence

A coalition of New York City based organizations released a report in mid-April 2012 highlighting the devastating impact of the use of condoms as evidence on a wide range of communities of people involved in sex work and who trade sex, as well as people profiled by the police as prostitutes. The Huffington Post commented that “advocates for sex workers want New York to become the first state to ban police officers from confiscating condoms as evidence in prostitution cases, saying it has a chilling effect on disease protection.” The advocates report release and press conference in Albany NY received much press attention nationally-including coverage in Business Week and the Washington Post, as well as internationally.

Protect, Don’t Prosecute

The Red Umbrella Project is calling for an amnesty for Long Island sex workers until the killer is found so that sex workers can step forward and provide information  about the case without fear of arrest.