Gender Liberation Rally

The inaugural Gender Liberation March on Saturday September 14, 2024 melded the fights for reproductive rights and transgender rights. Beyonce Karungi, a leading activist from provided this report back on the event with her photo essay.

We left at 5 am on the buses out of New York, traveling to the District of Columbia. People were traveling from all over New York and in fact from all parts of the United States. I met people from Atlanta and Louisiana, I am getting to know the movement, getting to know more trans people are the US.

Miss Major, a founder of the LGBTQ movement in the US who was present and active at the Stonewall protest, presented on the stage in DC. I was honored to meet her.

Both traveling from NYC and at the rally I was with community and met with community. A colleague from Callen Lorde, a service provider to LGBTQ folks in NYC, and I met with a friend who had worked in Uganda. We took the photos you see below.

A week later I was at the NYC Puta Rally on Sept 20, 2024 and many of the new contacts I made were there, creating safety for both sex workers and trans people in Queens. This is the power of collective action.