DEADLINES approach for International AIDS Conference

Globally and within the US sex workers organize to address the impact of HIV/AIDS. Even though criminalization and stigma compound the impact of HIV on the sex sector, community based organizing, peer lead programs, harm reduction and grassroots research lead by sex workers are extremely effective. Sharing the achievements of sex worker communities and providing accurate information about what sex workers need in terms of services and policy are two very good reasons why representatives of sex worker rights organizations attend the International AIDS Conference (the IAC). Sex workers also converge on the conference because it is one of the very few opportunities for folks to spend time with their colleagues from all over the world, to forge new connections, to learn and to inspire.

The next IAC will be held in Melbourne Australia July 20 to 25, 2014. The Best Practices Policy Project regularly communicates with our colleagues in Australia and other networks to ensure that communities in the US have the most up-to-date information about activities at the IAC. Sex worker rights advocates interested in health and rights, and creating a presence at the IAC 2014 are encouraged to:

  • apply for a scholarship from the International AIDS Society by February 13, 2014. According to the IAC website scholarships are for “people from resource-limited settings and communities, researchers, young people, community activists and civil society representatives” which in BPPP’s experience does include sex worker rights advocates. Please note that a “letter of recommendation” is needed to apply. The IAC’s website also states that “priority will be given to those whose participation will help enhance their work in their own communities, to those who are able to assist in the transfer of skills and knowledge acquired at the conference, and to those whose abstract, workshop or programme activity submission has been selected.” So, applying to be part of the conference by presenting, organizing a workshop or taking part in the “global village” will enhance chances in getting a scholarship. More details on how to apply for are available at the IAC and via the IAC’s webinar online. If you are a representative of the movement for the rights of sex workers in the United States and/or a community organizer for the rights of sex workers and people in the sex trade and need some help applying or a letter of recommendation, then email BPPP (bestpracticespolicyproject @ by January 31, 2014 to see how we might be able to assist.
  • Submit an abstract to present about your work or research by February 6, 2014. The IAC abstract mentoring program is open to provide support if you register by January 22, 2014.
  • Apply to present about your work, organize a workshop or to showcase your cultural works at the Global Village and Youth Program by February 6. If you are a representative of the movement for the rights of sex workers in the United States and/or a community organizer for the rights of sex workers and people in the sex trade and need some help applying then email BPPP (bestpracticespolicyproject @ by January 31, 2014 to see how we might be able to assist.

The International AIDS Conference is a very large event and can be daunting. Sex workers have organized protests and actions about specific issues at the conference over the years and have demanded change from the conference itself. If issues emerge that you want to talk about at the IAC or if something concerns you as a community organizer for the rights of sex workers and people in the sex trade then email BPPP (bestpracticespolicyproject @ at any time in the run up to the conference and we will do our best to connect you and to hear what you have to say.

Taking action for sex worker rights, IAC 2012 in WDC,

Taking action for sex worker rights, IAC 2012 in Washington, D.C.